Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Holiday Tree - An Update

A while back I wrote about what I've named Canby's Holiday Tree(, and I'm tickled that the local paper ran a story on this treasure of a tree, because it's nice to see it get some attention!

Article run in the Canby Herald on April 9, 2014
Canby Herald, April 9, 2014 (page 15)

Even better, I received an email from someone who knows who's responsible for the decorations! They wish to keep the magical mystery but here is a snippet of what they sent me:

 "...I saw your article about the little tree. Thanks for noticing! I don't decorate it but I know who does... It's more than one person... A cute story really  ...I'm so happy the little tree got some attention..."

So, if you have an opportunity, please do take a stroll, bike it, or go for a run & see this wonderful little tree!