Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog Action Day 2014

Well, here I am sitting before my computer screen on Blog Action Day, the day when bloggers around the world post blogs on one topic, and thereby use their voices to inspire action, thought and a sense of global community. 

This year's topic is inequality.  Honestly, it's sad given our plethora of knowledge and access to it that inequality even still exists.  But it does, and so we must continue to find ways to eliminate inequality, or at least counter-balance it. 

As a volunteer ambassador for Women for Women International, I am keenly aware of how marginalized women are, particularly in more under-developed nations.  This is not to suggest, however, that inequality does not exist in more developed countries such as the United States, because it does. 

So, this leaves one wondering what can be done?  Surely I, as one person cannot change such a large problem?
 And so this is what I have to offer on Blog Action Day: you, yes you, one person with worries and struggles all your own can indeed impact change.  Know this, no small action is too small, nor too grand.  Find nonprofits, or individuals in your community to support with your monetary contribution, or better yet, your time.  And most importantly, look around your immediate surroundings where you have the most impact to make a difference: your work place, community organizations you belong to, school, church, etc.

Margaret Mead said it best, 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." 

~Amanda Ulrich
Volunteer Ambassador Women for Women International
Team Congo PDX Founder 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It's Not Goodbye, It's a New Chapter

It's not a secret to anyone close to me that just over 3 years ago a cause captured my heart and quite frankly changed the course of my life in terms of personal growth.
Gwen, Ann and I at my first Group Walk/Run in 2012!
 I've met some great people along my journey, and all of you have touched my heart in a way I cannot ever fully articulate, but I will nonetheless humbly attempt to do so in the words which follow.  

That cause is Run for Congo Women, a grassroots movement started by Portland's own Lisa Shannon several years prior to raise awareness about the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (read more about what inspired me to become involved here). Run for Congo Women eventually became an official project of Women for Women International (WfWI), and so when I came on scene I quickly got in touch with WfWI to coordinate efforts. I was proud to pick up the torch to carry on the good work Lisa started.  And, I did not do so alone.
Equal Exchange Team at our 2014 Group Walk/Run
 In fact, often over the past three years I've wondered who in the heck I think I am that I can possibly take on such a complex and large problem and effectively offer sustainable and real solutions to those who would be impacted most: the women, children and men in Congo. Well, if the past three years have taught me anything, it's that no action is too small, and if we collectively work together we can impact any issue no matter how massive and untouchable it appears. 

With that said, the time has come for me to shift my work for the cause I care so much about, and so on behalf of Team Congo PDX I would like to announce that we will not be hosting a group walk or run in 2015, but will instead organize a local awareness event in late Spring. The success of our group walk/runs over the past 3 years have only been possible with the support of our local runners/walkers, and for that I am forever grateful.  Team Congo PDX will continue to participate in Cause and Event Portland (Save the Date: 10.18.15)!  Stay tuned for details about both events in early 2015.

Let me take a moment to provide some background on Team Congo PDX's journey over the past three years.
As many of you know I founded Team Congo PDX in Fall of 2011 to help raise awareness about the atrocities in eastern Congo, and our inadvertent connection to them as consumers of electronic products.
Keeping track of my 54 miles in 2011
Team Congo PDX is run by me with the volunteer support of local community members, businesses and non-profits.  My efforts via Team Congo PDX have always benefited WfWI's Congo program.  WfWI's Congo program provides Congolese women with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency, thereby promoting viable civil societies. Women who enroll in WfWI's one-year program learn job skills and receive business training so they can earn a living. They come to understand their rights and how to fight for those rights in their homes, their communities and their nations. They learn how to become leaders.  

I started off with a solo-fundraising campaign in late September 2011 wherein I ran 54 miles over 6 weeks.  With the support of friends, family, community members, local businesses, and Women for Women International Team Congo PDX has hosted a group walk/run on International Women's Day for the past three years (2012-2014).  Team Congo PDX has also participated in Cause and Event Portland for the past two years, bringing the second largest team in 2013!
Our 2014 Cause and Event Team
 In total, through all of these efforts, we have raised nearly $13,000 to benefit women in Congo through Women for Women International.  This is something each and every one of you who have supported my work should be proud of for it is because of YOU that we were able to raise such a substantial amount! 

It has been my honor to serve as Women for Women International's Volunteer Ambassador since 2012, and it is with heartfelt gratitude that I thank each and every one of you for your support over the past three years.  It has been, and will continue to be, my honor to serve not only the women in Congo, but the women who live in all 8 countries WfWI operates (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Sudan).

Team Congo PDX does have an online fundraising page through WfWI, and so please do not hesitate to organize your own teams at local running events to help raise funds, and feel free to set-up a profile on our page 
(, or even set-up your own team using the site. Follow our Facebook page for announcements with regard to our 2015 Cause and Event team and Spring awareness event:  You can also learn more about WfWI's programs and how to become involved here

With much gratitude,
Amanda Ulrich
Team Congo PDX Founder
WfWI Volunteer Ambassador
A special thank you to the following individuals, organizations, and businesses (in no particular order): Joanna Valdivieso-Gonzales at WfWI, Jennifer Morabito, Ann and Lisa Shannon, Alysha Atma, Richa Sehgal, Kathy Cordell, Jeanne Sprague, Amy Little, everyone at Run Oregon, Laura Thomas, Sean Rivers, Jane and Tim Hartfield of the Great Harvest Bakery in Downtown Portland, Swanson, Thomas,Coon & Newton, Never Again Coalition, Kevin Putnam, Patrick Wahlen, Bonnie Wilson, Annette Vaughn, Maryalicia Verdecchia, Never Again Coalition, Robert Hadley, Equal Exchange Portland Co-op, Anna Canning, Foot Traffic, Starbucks, Auora Chorus, LA Fitness Tanasbourne, ProHealth Chiropractic, Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers, Gwen Bradlee, Diversitech, Diane Koosed, Becky Bent, Dan Thornton, Kayla Smith, and last but not least my family. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sponsorship Journey

I am beyond thrilled that we raised enough funds at my March 8, 2014 charity run/walk to sponsor 14 women through Women for Women International's (WfWI) Congo program.
Our Equal Exchange Team at our 2014 Event
Simply by taking the time to come together, we are now supporting half a class through WfWI, and are able to be a part of a journey taking place half a world away for 14 remarkable women. 

Over three years ago when I first learned about the conflict in Congo, and how my use of electronics products gave me leverage to do something about it, I didn't yet fully understand that I would become a part of something which would actually have impact.
Dedicated Volunteers
 By impact, I mean human-to-human connection with women who live in Eastern Congo.  

And so, it is with a thankful heart that I embark on the sponsorship journey with all of you, my fellow supporters. Over the course of the next year I will send and post monthly snippets about the 14 women we are sponsoring. In order to protect their privacy photos will only be sent via my newsletter, and so should you wish to receive the more detailed newsletter updates, please subscribe via my webpage (click "subscribe" on the bottom right of the page).

You will also have the opportunity to correspond with the sisters.  To send a message of encouragement and support simply email me at: 

I encourage you to take the time to do so as Women for Women International has been told time and time again by their program participants that messages from their sponsors provide hope and encouragement beyond measure, and provide a sense of togetherness during times of loneliness. 
Some of our runners on 3.8.14

Should we receive responses from our sisters (it can take quite some time to receive responses due to the logistics involved on their end living in more rustic places), I will of course pass those along in my blog and monthly newsletter as well. 

Meet 2 of The Sisters
That said, please meet Sisters Maria & Kate.
Mariais married with 6 children
Kateis single with 1 child

Their Journey*
*(The following is from an update I received from Women for Women International)

Maria, Kate and our other 12 sisters are now finishing their fourth month of training.

In the last few months, the sisters have been in health and wellness classes.  We (WfWI) believe that women cannot be active members of their communities if they are not well, both physically and emotionally. Over the next several months, our sisters will continue to learn methods of prevention and treatment of key health issues for themselves and her family members.

Health is a human right. Our sisters class will focus on the concept of health as an essential human right. This is a crucial starting point for women who live in areas where poor nutrition and preventable diseases are a part of everyday life. She will learn basic skills, nutritional information, sanitation and disease prevention.

Coping with post-traumatic stress disorder. Many of the women we work with are survivors of great violence, suffering and loss.

In DRC, at least 5.4 million people have died as a result of conflict and its consequences since 1998. With rape used as a weapon of war, an estimated 48 women are raped every hour in the DRC, resulting in about 1.8 million women having been raped.

This may be the first time they are able to discuss and deal with the trauma that they have been living with. Your sister will learn to recognize stress as a normal reaction to the events she has experienced, develop tools for coping with her symptoms, and be given access to resources for additional help if needed.

Protect yourself and your family. Your sisters will learn about communicable diseases, sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, sexual reproductive health, mental health and environmental health. In addition, they will learn about pregnancy, infant care, family planning and hygiene. When a woman is healthy, she can focus on healing and learning as she moves forward in our program.


Thank you again for your support, and please take the time to send a message of support to Maria and Kate as they go through their journey with Women for Women International.

Amanda Ulrich
Team Congo PDX Founder
Women for Women International Volunteer Ambassador

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Team Congo PDX Pairs with The Fitness Studio for @ Cause + Event Portland

This is the official blog post from your Portland, Oregon Volunteer Women for Women International Ambassador, and I am pleased to remind you all that Team Congo PDX will once again be participating at Cause + Event Portland on September 13, 2014 in Bethany Village.

Team Congo PDX from the 2013 Cause + Event Portland
We've teamed up this year with The Fitness Studio.The lovely Annette Vaughn will be working with me to recruit team members, and before the race will lead you all through a pre-race warm-up.

When you join Team Congo PDX at Cause + Event Portland half of your registration fee (Half Marathon, 10K, 5K & free kids fun run), will be a donation to Women for Women International.  Our team is multi-distance as each person will run/walk individually.  The team is about raising awareness & funds for one cause.  You can also join our team & run or walk virtually (meaning you run or walk on your own).  The event will fill, and so you should register in the next few weeks.
Part of this year's 10K course
 Child care is available on race day, and each team member will receive a free Run for Congo Women pedestrian pin to wear on race day so that we can identify each other on the race course! Also, if you don't already have a Run for Congo women t-shirt, contact me and I'll get you one (see below for email).

Registration Link:

*In the "Charity" field select: "Women for Women International" 

*In the "joining a team field" select: "Team Congo PDX"!

Team Fundraising Page: 
*The team member who raises the most funds via this page will receive a prize!

Thank you all for your continued support!  Together we can impact lives half a world away.

Amanda Ulrich
Team Congo PDX Founder
Women for Women International Volunteer Ambassador

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Running Adventures

God Rays on Today's Run
If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, what I love most about running is the adventure of experiencing the immediate world around me.  Today was one such day. 

Not even a tenth of a mile into my run, and I spot a glorious God Ray Beam from the clouds in the sky.  I find it so beautifully glorious I am distracted by it for the next two miles, and eventually I run upon the view captioned above. 

Then I decided that I knew exactly where I can view this God Ray Beam close-up, and so off I go to run toward an adjacent field.
God Ray Beam Close-up
 Not five minutes later my hunch proves correct, and straight above is the small open portion of sky close-up. 

Although it looked stunning close-up, I decided that it looked it's most majestic from afar. 

Now, to cut through to the field above which the God Ray Beam shined, I had to run through some forested trails. I took a moment to take in the view of the river along these trails. 
Willamette River

I've been running in this area for over a year now, and I'm very familiar with it's ins and outs, but today I noticed a new trail, and so I decided to explore a bit.  I followed the trail, took in the greenery, and noticed a couple of other smaller trails which shot-off from the main trail.
New to Me Trail
And that's when I heard a pitter patter upon the tree leaves above me, and realized it had started to drizzle, and so
 I decided I would explore those trails another day, but before I departed, I stopped to smell the daisy's.

Off I went to continue on my way to visit my favorite oak tree as I haven't been able to take in it's loveliness for a few weeks. That's when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a quick lightning bolt flash, and then soon afterward a fairly loud rumble.
My Most Favorite Oak Tree

And just like that I had a second wind, and found a renewed energy with which to run the 2.5 miles back home. 

And the thunder and lighting continued the entire way home.  And then, the large drops came down. And I mean they really came down. But it felt great to be rain soaked.  Lately my running has been blah in that physically I've been pooped out, but today's running adventure infused a new bout of energy, and I look forward to my next run and the adventure that will inevitably ensue. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Holiday Tree, A Bunny & a Nest

Yesterday was one of those runs which offered much to take joy
Bunny Foo Foo along the trail this morning.
in.  I'm not referring to a personal record; today was not my best running day--it felt like hell for most of the grueling 6.5 miles.  I'm referring to something much more special.  Yesterday 
I not only spotted a furry Bunny Foo Foo, but also spied an Osprey Nest, and my beloved Holiday Tree was all decorated for Memorial Day/4th of July.  
Osprey nest with Mom perched atop

What I love most about running is that you just never know who or what will cross your path, and you theirs.  Yesterday was one of those runs where every few miles I got to experience a moment of joy and awareness about the natural area in which I was running (and of course take a break from running to snap a pic).  Running is how I meet the world around me. 
Holiday Tree all ready for the Day of Red White & Blue

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Team Congo PDX 2014 Supports 14 Women in the Democratic Republic of Congo

On International Women's Day 2014 (3.8.14), 132 runners and walkers gathered in Downtown Portland to support Women for Women International's program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).  In all, the event raised more than $5,000 which was enough to sponsor 14 women
Photo taken by Alexa Brandt Photography
in Congo, who have recently been enrolled in Women for Women's one year program.  As a part of the program, sponsors can send letters of encouragement and support to their sisters throughout the year-long program.  

Here is where you come in, Team Congo PDX supporters. Over the course of the next year (May 2014 - May 2015), you will have the opportunity to send letters to our 14 sisters. Please submit your letters, no matter how long or short, as follows:

1) email: & title your email: "Letter to WfWI Sister"

2) Or you may submit your letter(s) via our website "Contact Us" page.

We will make sure to send your letters to our sisters, and will share their responses on our Facebook page, and via email. 

Thank you to all who came out to support us this past March. Without your support we would not be able to impact the lives of 14 women in DRC, and we are proud to be able to support these wonderful 14 women! 

In order to protect the identity of our sisters, personal information such as photos, etc. will only be shared with supporters via email.  

Sunday, May 25, 2014

10 Cane Rum Run: PR Sunday

I ran in my first race in 2012, the Shamrock 5K.  My pace was around 8:45 min per mile, and I was proud as I was just recovering from an IT band injury 10 days before.  Fast forward to May 25, 2014, to the 10 Cane Rum Run by Energy Events.  My 9th official race, and 2nd 10K.  

Venue- Tualatin Commons offer a nice reflective view.
Today was awesome.  The weather was perfect, the venue was spacious and had a sense of calm despite 1,500 other runners/walkers, there were cute baby ducks, the course was a nice mixture of park, trail, and road, & I hit a personal record (PR). My first sub 8 minute 10K, heck race, ever.  

Official Stats
Overall time: 0:49:21 
Photo taken by John Ulrich

Pace (chip time) 7:46 min/mile 
Gender & Age (35-39, F): 3/67 
Overall 10K (M&F): 72/567
Overall 10K (F): 17/361  

Here's the thing, I didn't feel any different out there on the course today than I did when I ran my first race back in 2012, and that's the magical thing about running.  No matter your current ability, or in some cases your ability on any given day, running always just feels like running, and like a race against your last PR self.  

Out there today I started out strong at 7:26 min/mile, but at about mile 3 I decided to slow it down, and settled in on 7:55 min/mile.  Every now and then a fellow runner would pass me by, but I focused upon my settled pace, and enjoyed the course. For a few long minutes I felt like stopping, but persisted anyway. A long steady hill greeted us between miles 4 and 5, but shortly after mile 5 it was a low grade down hill, and once the left-hand turn to the finishing lap around Tualatin Commons was in sight, I bolted, passing a runner who had passed me around mile 4.5.  I gave it all I had straight to the finish. 

The course, as mentioned above, was a lovely mixture of park, trails and road.  The 10kers had 2 water stations (one at 1.5 miles and one at mile 4), and although it was not the toughest course I've ever run, it did provide some challenge with a long low grade hill near the end of the course.

The after-event venue was lively with music, great food, and the very popular beer garden. The atmosphere was family friendly, complete with a kids play area (including bouncy castle), I enjoyed my post-race peanut butter and bread treat, free Jamba Juice peach smoothie, and guzzled my water.  

The goodie bag each participant received was filled with not only an event tech shirt, but also a bottle opener, coupons, treats, and Advil, which thankfully I did not need!

Race Swag galore!

The only drawback to the event was that as the 10k and 5k finishers entered the final lap around Tualatin Commons to the finish line (each entering from a different direction), they bottle necked in a narrow space at a point when many runners were trying to bolt it to the finish. Several of us, myself included, got stuck behind some other finishers, but with some creative maneuvering we were able to get around and race to the finish.

It's safe to say, I'll be back next year. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Holiday Tree - An Update

A while back I wrote about what I've named Canby's Holiday Tree(, and I'm tickled that the local paper ran a story on this treasure of a tree, because it's nice to see it get some attention!

Article run in the Canby Herald on April 9, 2014
Canby Herald, April 9, 2014 (page 15)

Even better, I received an email from someone who knows who's responsible for the decorations! They wish to keep the magical mystery but here is a snippet of what they sent me:

 "...I saw your article about the little tree. Thanks for noticing! I don't decorate it but I know who does... It's more than one person... A cute story really  ...I'm so happy the little tree got some attention..."

So, if you have an opportunity, please do take a stroll, bike it, or go for a run & see this wonderful little tree!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Runner's Ode to a Tree

One cannot always explain what makes something their favorite.  It just is. While I have more than one favorite aspect of my various running routes, one which strikes me the most is my favorite tree along my usual weekend running route. 
An old wise tree with Whimsy
Taken one frosty January 2014 morning
There is just something about this tree that strikes me. I never tire of seeing it, and in fact enjoy seeing it in it's various phases throughout the year.  And so I imagine that if this lovely tree could talk, it would offer the following to all who pass by:

Dear Friend,
Stand Tall and Proud
Sink your roots deeply into the Earth
Reflect the light of a greater source
Think long term
Go out on a limb
Remember your place among all living beings
Embrace with joy the changing seasons
For each yields its own abundance
The Energy and Birth of Spring
A beautiful Spring evening surrounds this whimsical tree
Photo taken March 19, 2014

The Growth and Contentment of Summer
The Wisdom to let go of leaves in the Fall
The Rest and Quiet Renewal of Winter
Feel the wind and the sun
And delight in their presence
Look up at the moon that shines down upon you
And the mystery of the stars at night.
Seek nourishment from the good things in life
Simple pleasures
Earth, fresh air, light
Be content with your natural beauty
Drink plenty of water
Let your limbs sway and dance in the breezes
Be flexible
Remember your roots
Enjoy the view!

~Poem by By Ilan Shamir ("Advice from a Tree")

And so I shall take this advice and reflect up on it each time I run by this wise looking tree, which for a reason I cannot quite explain strikes me with wonder and awe each time I pass by. 
Sun beams, clouds and spring grass surround this old wise tree.
Photo taken March 29, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hidden Treasures

Most everyone who knows me, knows that I am a running nerd.  
Bunnies & Chicks will surround this tree.
Holiday Tree along the weekend path I run
One of the aspects of running I love the most is that you just never know what hidden treasures you'll discover when out on a run. 

Every weekend I like to get in one long run, and my long run typically takes me to a pedestrian path which infuses my run with nature: trees, flowers, critters, and the holiday tree.

I first noticed the Holiday Tree at Christmastime one cold and foggy morning, and of course took a photo.  
This tree is ready for the day of joy & cheer.
Holiday Tree at Christmastime

Christmas came and went, and I was excited to see the tree all decked out for Valentine's Day! I snapped another picture, and began to notice a pattern with this wonderful tree off to the side of the pedestrian path. 

All ready for the day of love
Holiday Tree ready for Valentine's Day

Expectations for St. Patrick's Day were high, it did not disappoint for come March the tree was in top top shape for the day of pinch-me-if-I-don't-wear-green! 
The holiday tree is all decorated for St. Paddy's Day!
There will be no pinching This Holiday Tree!

I have no idea who decorates this tree, but as you can see from the first photo above, the Holiday Tree is ready for Easter, and in fact as I approached it on my run this weekend, I actually exclaimed out loud, "Yes!" as I realized my favorite little tree was sporting Easter decor.

Here's to hoping come 4th Of July this humble Holiday Tree is trimmed in red-white-and-blue.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Aurora Chorus, The Rising of the Women Is the Rising of Us All Collaborates with Team Congo PDX

We are excited to announce that Team Congo PDX is collaborating with Aurora Chorus on International Women's Day.

Aurora Chorus invites Team Congo to an International Women’s Day concert, The Rising of the Women Is the Rising of Us All, on Saturday, March 8. A chorus member will be on hand at the run with tickets and information. Aurora is donating the proceeds of the first 25 tickets sold at the run to Team Congo, and will have materials on Women for Women International available at the concert. Tickets are $10; see below for more details. 

 In this concert, Aurora will present voices from the past – women such as Abigail Adams, Virginia Woolf, and the South African women who first challenged apartheid. We will also look to the future with the world premiere of “I Am Malala,” featuring the words of Malala Yousafzai, the 16-year-old Pakistani girl who has taken a lead role in fighting for the right of every girl to receive an education, set to music by our director, nationally renowned choral composer Joan Szymko. Guest artist Anne Weiss will close out the concert with a set featuring her unique musical style inspired by folk, blues, and gospel, among other influences. 

Szymko spoke of her inspiration for writing "I Am Malala":  

"The name of the piece, “I Am Malala,” is the name of her memoir. And when she was shot, there were a lot of young people around the world standing up saying, “I am Malala. We’re all Malala,” with the idea that violence cannot stop the human spirit and the will to better oneself. For the text, I watched a lot of Malala on YouTube, selecting quotes and crafting a lyric. “I am afraid of no one” comes from a longer quote. She said, “I don't mind if I have to sit on the floor at school. All I want is education. And I'm afraid of no one.” And really, if you’ve been shot in the head and you survive—if you face that and come out on the other side—what happens to fear?" 

For the full interview, visit the chorus website at:

Aurora Chorus, The Rising of the Women Is the Rising of Us All
Saturday, March 8, 7:30 p.m.
First Congregational Church, 1126 SW Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Tickets, $12, are available online at or by phone at 800-838-3006
Tickets will also be available at the door
Facebook event:

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day-of Raffle Items for Team Congo PDX's Group Walk/Run


Each participant who registers for our charity event, which takes place on International Women's Day and benefits Women for Women International's Congo program, will automatically receive 2 raffle tickets so that they can enter to win one of the below day-of-event raffle prizes donated by our generous supporters and sponsors.  Participants may purchase additional raffle tickets for $2.00 each, 3 tickets for $5 or 10 tickets for $10 & all raffle proceeds will be credited to our event online fundraising page: 

Foot Traffic Gift Cards 
(4 available)

Print of Alpine Meadows by local photographer Joshua Johnston

Equal Exchange Congo Coffee
(Congo Coffee Project)

Women for Women International Lunch Tote (2 available)

Women for Women International pen & pen holder set (2 available)

Women for Women umbrella with logo & key chain 
(2 of each available)

Handmade Quilt by local quilter Becky Bent
(Ms. Bent's work will be on display all through May 2014 
at Common Grounds Coffee in Portland, OR)

1 Hour Aromatherapy - Spiritual Healing Session with event sponsor Kevin Putnam

Make sure to check back as we will add items as they are donated. See you on March 8th! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Team Congo PDX's Group 10K & 5K Walk/Run - 3.8.14 Top Tier Raffle

We are just over a month out to Team Congo PDX's Group 10K & 5K Walk/Run, and we are excited to announce that this year we have 5 awesome incentive items (we have 2 of each item) donated by Women for Women International (WfWI) to offer to 10 supporters to raise $100 or more via our online fundraising page with (WfWI).  All proceeds will benefit their Congo program. We also have 1 special item donated by the local Portland Equal Exchange Co-Op, as well as free entry from Foot Traffic for their all women's training program. 

Here's how it works:

  • Raise $100 or more by 3.5.14 from family, friends, colleagues (funds raised must be posted to online fundraising page);
  • Then, on event day (3.8.14) we will draw 10 winners, and each will win one of the following items donated by Women for Women International: 
Yes, it's that simple! 

Gem Stone bracelets made by Afghan women enrolled in WfWI's program.

If you Knew Me You Would Care by WfWI founder Zainab Salbi.

Run for Congo Women 
Stainless Steel Water Bottle

            Half the Sky DVD 

Bracelet & Necklace made by 
Rwandan Women enrolled in 
WfWI's program:

African Gift Box from Equal Exchange 
(This gift box supports Panzi Hospital in Eastern Congo)
(begins 3.8.14, but okay to miss the first session)
Well, what are you waiting for?  Get out there & fundraise!